The H.E.S. is proud to provide Food Pantry services to our Brooklyn community. ALL are welcome. You must register first, before ordering.
How to Register (New Registrants):
1) Visit market.metcouncil.org to begin. Click “Order Food” and choose “Sign Up”
2) Register yourself and your household members and wait to hear from your Pantry Manager
3) Once you hear from your Pantry Manager, log in at market.metcouncil.org and start ordering!
4) Choose a pick-up time during Pantry hours
5) Check email for confirmation and your receipt
How to Place Your Order Using Market:
1) Visit market.metcouncil.org to begin. Log in with your email address or phone number. Use PASSWORD Market@9502
2) Start shopping for items
3) When ready to place an order, click the shopping cart icon
4) Choose a pick-up time during Pantry hours
5) Check email for confirmation and receipt
H.E.S. Pantry Guidelines:
You can utilize our Food Pantry once a month. You must come at your scheduled appointment date and time. Please understand that no boxes will be held past your appointment date.
Pick Up Days and Hours:
Mon, Wed, Thur | 9:30 am – 2 pm
Tues | 1 pm – 6 pm
Pick up of pre-ordered boxes only.
For more information about the Pantry, please email [email protected] or call Ilene Stavrach at 718-241-3000 ext. 124.
In partnership with Met Council, all meals provided are Kosher certified.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
SNAP provides monthly benefits that can be used to buy food at grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and some online retailers. SNAP helps millions of New Yorkers keep and supplement food on their tables.
The Nutrition Outreach and Education Program (NOEP) can determine if you may be eligible for SNAP. H.E.S. can also help you complete and submit your application.
Contact NOEP for a free and confidential assessment of your eligibility.
For more information, contact NOEP by phone at (347) 880-2922 or email [email protected].